So I was just....not feeling very good today. I think a lot of it was spiritually and it was carrying over to the physical side. But my trip to moccachios for a hot green tea tapioca right before my Pol Sci 2 lecture changed everything.
First of all, I think a hot green tea tapioca always makes me happy. And as soon as that cup was in my hand, I had a smile on my face. Then I proceeded to go to lecture to watch my GSI give a guest lecture on civil societies, specifically in China. And I have to say, I sat there captivated for an hour and a half. Lots of funny first hand stories but I think the clips that were shown and the in depth descriptions and narrative of what happened and the emotional response by the native people just struck me and I could do nothing but try to memorize every fact my GSI was saying. I mean I was literally tearing up listening to the emotional response of the parents of students who were part of the Tiananmen riots. And then to see the original footage of the Tankman was so...time stopping. Yeah I walked out ofS that lecture hall very content with my day.
But the day was not over. Nope. Ran over to cafe 3 to have lunch with Becky. I think Becky and I try to eat together at least every other week or so....or really when one of us realize it's been awhile since we've seen each other. This particular dinner, we met up around 6:30 and stayed in cafe 3 talking into 9:30. Yes that's right past closing. Such a wide range of topics from Boy Meets World and Psych to consumer spending and greed to international issues fueled by western capitalism. Conversations went from light to really heavy and then back to light again. But for sure, lots of really good and encouraging conversations.
And now to cap off the day, Becky told me to go read and the latter was quite funny and the former was downright inspiring(which is the goal of the site). Loved reading all the different posts thougt it has monopolized the entire rest of my night. Regardless, it has been worth it and I still have a whole bunch left to read.
It's been a really good day :]
*talking about the guy in my discussion who thinks eugenics is wonderful*
Becky: ...what's wrong with him???
Me: Iono....maybe he's Republican?
(this was a joke.......hope no one was offended)
Friday, April 16, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
One of those weeks...
I'm having one of those weeks, where nothing out of the ordinary happens, and I really think that everything is fine. And then something simple and small happens, and I am entirely off kilter.