Saturday, March 27, 2010 on

Corny title I know. But March has traditionally been a very packed month. For 4 years in high school March meant Spera presentations. The culminations of a whole year of hard work, planning, researching, rehearsing, resting on 2 15 minute presentations. With one year we knew what was coming, one year we were incredibly hopeful, another we were far too cocky about ourselves, and lastly our year of high hopes, depression and an incredible pulled out win.

March has also been the month of the beginning of the track season. Which meant all my time was going to be divided up between track and spera. In senior year, March meant college. And in the same sense, that was also the beginning of fat lard.

One of the key features of March has to be eating. Very much so connected to spera, the meals in March had to be one of the highlights of the entire year. Not because of all the good food we ate, but because of the company. March was definitely the month of close bonding, laughter, lots and lots of eating pictures.!/album.php?aid=30810&id=580911652
look if you dont believe me. and this is just one of the years

if you look closely theres a script being worked on

and we sure do love food

but food also leads us to be really weird

and do things like this

These past two years March has been different though. Sure there's still a lot of eating. And yes lots and lots of bonding time (plus couch pictures) But March has also become a month of high hopes, fast crashes and above all else, new confidence. Well at least that's kinda what it was last year. I guess I was expecting the same to repeat itself this March but it hasn't exactly happened.....not entirely sure what I expect right now... Still though, March has not let me down and it's been a pretty good month, this week in particular. Once I get a chance the new couch pics will go up. Bound to bring a smile to someone's face :]

And as the month comes to an end, I guess there's not much to do but hope April will be just a bit better. "Only time will tell" =p guess what script/what year + what scene this is from

Monday, March 22, 2010


Spring Break! Though I have to admit it didn't start feeling like spring break until today as I've seen a deluge of people coming back to the city from their respective schools. Before I forget, this week has definitely been a week of experiences both good and bad.

The bad: Tuesday morning I turned on my laptop and it didn't work! I felt like my entire life was lost....well not really but still!! And the worst part is all of my work for this past semester was not saved somewhere else, including the pages of research I found for my research paper just the day before. It was an incredibly stressful day. Found out that my laptop had a defected video graphics card that was ruining my other words, I needed to spend hundreds of dollars replacing most of the laptop.

The good: Tuesday night by the advice of youtube videos, I overheated my laptop and turned it off and on again and voila it worked!! Temporary fix but long enough for me to at least save all the important stuff.

The really really good: Wednesday
I had one of my most favorite Wednesdays of my life!
Started the day by being literally 3 mins late for my 2 hour PS 2 discussion (I was half an hour late the previous week and my GSI had me take the pop quiz I missed by myself in the corner....and I really do mean literally the myself....separated from the rest of the class) As I was running to get to class, I see the whole class walking out! Apparently my GSI was convinced that it was such a nice day that we would have discussion outside on the grass of Wheeler. A few more minutes late and I would have showed up to an empty classroom(they didn't even leave a note!). Outside discussion was such a wonderful experience. Everyone was just so happy :] smiles all around. plus a guy playing an accordion slowly walked by us so we had some pretty background music. plus plus a guy playing guitar sat behind our class the whole time strumming beautiful things pleasing to my ears. On top of that, discussion got cut 1 hr so I basically had the whole day free. And THEN I decided to stop by the berkeley laptop repair place and the guy said if I talk to LENOVO they should be able to set something. So I did.....and the person helping me out (Mark H.) basically said it wasn't my fault so even though my warranty expired, he's gonna set up an exception repair, and I can even get it fixed in Berkeley so I don't have to send anything in!! This already set me in a really good mood but to top if off, I decided to lay on the grass and work outside to enjoy the wonderful sun. Had to be one of the best decisions.

Definitely a day of me just being happy and smiling :]

Sunday, March 21, 2010

improv everywhere

new life goal added to the list =p

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

dying dying dead alive

me: i am too
jesus is so good to me :]
Sarah: he is he is!

my laptop decided to die on me today.....

well actually it's not my fault .... i think..... apparently my laptop uses a faulty nDIVIA video graphics card that fries my motherboard....this is really nerdy. but i've been stressing about this all day and I've had to keep praying about, not that my laptop would be fixed, but that i wouldn't worry so much about something so material. And so after reading lots of posts online about it, I overheated my laptop, turned it on, and it works!! it's only a temporary fix but still i was able to save all of my work for this past semester. *sigh. this is the most calm i have felt all day. jesus makes me smile =]