Corny title I know. But March has traditionally been a very packed month. For 4 years in high school March meant Spera presentations. The culminations of a whole year of hard work, planning, researching, rehearsing, resting on 2 15 minute presentations. With one year we knew what was coming, one year we were incredibly hopeful, another we were far too cocky about ourselves, and lastly our year of high hopes, depression and an incredible pulled out win.
March has also been the month of the beginning of the track season. Which meant all my time was going to be divided up between track and spera. In senior year, March meant college. And in the same sense, that was also the beginning of fat lard.
One of the key features of March has to be eating. Very much so connected to spera, the meals in March had to be one of the highlights of the entire year. Not because of all the good food we ate, but because of the company. March was definitely the month of close bonding, laughter, lots and lots of eating pictures.!/album.php?aid=30810&id=580911652
look if you dont believe me. and this is just one of the years
if you look closely theres a script being worked on
and we sure do love food
but food also leads us to be really weird
and do things like this
These past two years March has been different though. Sure there's still a lot of eating. And yes lots and lots of bonding time (plus couch pictures) But March has also become a month of high hopes, fast crashes and above all else, new confidence. Well at least that's kinda what it was last year. I guess I was expecting the same to repeat itself this March but it hasn't exactly happened.....not entirely sure what I expect right now... Still though, March has not let me down and it's been a pretty good month, this week in particular. Once I get a chance the new couch pics will go up. Bound to bring a smile to someone's face :]
And as the month comes to an end, I guess there's not much to do but hope April will be just a bit better. "Only time will tell" =p guess what script/what year + what scene this is from
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