Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Heart to Heart

There have been quite a few lingering thoughts in my head these past couple of weeks. Well more like the past month or so. The plan? A 3 part post that will be posted throughout the week ( if I remember and if I'm not too tired from KCDC that is). The topics will be: songs, driving, and humility.

Since I just had a driving lesson today why not start with that. So for the past month I've been getting driving lessons and I must say, as much as I think driving is pretty cool and kinda fun, it feels like school. And I don't mean the good school either. Here's some context. Now this is not to sound boastful or anything but I've never really been chastised in school by a teacher since like.....1st grade(Ms. To just really didn't like me and I think the feelings were mutual and D.Yee in high school doesn't count either cause he holds a grudge towards anyone who corrects him). School up until this point has been relatively nice. My grades aren't perfect but I do my best and I think a lot of times that is reflected in my work and my teachers have respected that.

Now on with the story. So far school hasn't really felt like school. It was just something I did and I more or less enjoyed(not including finals and midterms). But my driving lessons feel like school. I'm sure it's for my own good so I can learn how to drive properly and whatnot but every negative comment burns itself into my thoughts and I can only imagine it to be equivalent with how people feel when teachers give you a bad grade. Or not? I'm not sure but that's the comparison I'm going with. Plus as much as I do actually enjoy driving and think it's exciting, I find myself checking the clock constantly to let myself know how much longer I have to be in the car. Now I know at times I've done this in high school (especially in apbio with meng) but that was just an 'I'm bored when can we go to the next class or eat' not 'When will this end so I can leave this car and not see it for another week'. I'm pretty sure this story has no point to it but I
thought I'd just put it out there.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Life has been ...


I didn't realize how long it has been since I've updated this blog but that might be because tumblr is quite addicting. In the past month or so, I have....finished my second year of college, enjoyed coffee for the first time (soooo yummy), lounged around at home, went driving for the first time, had an amazing week at chapter camp, and lounged around some more.

It was definitely weird ending the second year of college. It's really hard to believe that 2 years ago I was barely graduated and now another graduation is somewhat looming.

Chapter camp was an immense blessing. As interesting as the manuscript study time and worship track was, I think my favorite parts of chapter camp was when I stayed up having one-on-one conversations with people in the molly murphy cabin. Lots of open honest sharing that really brought a lot of joy into my heart. Thoroughly wonderful =] I'll keep those conversations to myself though.

*goal for next year = see someone fly off the blob*

At the beginning of the year/semester I had a list of sorts up to keep track of active changes I was making in my life. Not sure what number I'm on but one to add to the list is definitely based on

"Better is open rebuke, than hidden love" Proverbs 27:5

I think it's become somewhat of a theme for me these past couple of weeks. Before, I was incredibly scared of confrontation of any sort. Now though, I know that if something is really burdening me, it's important to share that with other people so that things would not turn into bitterness but instead would be let go. Wise words from the senior class (plus the bible)

My life is boring so I don't have anything else to talk about. I think if I blog in sorter intervals I'd remember the small happy things better and be able to blog about then but I don't so oo well. Hello bob :]