Monday, March 3, 2008

trying to not study

what to do if you don't want to study......randomly write about your day for other people to read. Mondays are not so fun, always pretty tired. Doesn't help that there seems to be a big test in every class this week and on top of that have a lot to plan for the weekend......i do not look forward to it. On the bright side, practice was super easy today. Guess we're prepping for our first pre-season track meet against university.......should be studying for econ at the moment as the test determines basically our entire grade this i shall go do that.... i feel kind of bad that people who read this blog don't get much out of it...........

I wanted to add this picture in as my header...but didn't work out (fyi this is part of the many random pictures taken on the way to the relient k/switchfoot concert)


Vince Ei said...

ummm... when did this happen? March 2, 2008, 11:35 pm, the Judy Blog was born?

Master Samuel said...

write a lot judith
i read a lot

and nice pictures