decided to try video blogging..................
so went to school for second period just to watch a movie.................not cool. decided to leave since we wouldn't be doing anything at school. went home, hung out did this and that. at around 2 started to get ready. didn't take as long as I expected which was good. Katrina picked me up and we headed over to Anna's house and just as we parked, the limo drives up with all the guys who had just come from Greg's house. took a couple of pictures in fron of Anna's and by then it was already 450! we had planned to meet at 430 so we could be at our restaurant by 5. by the time we got down to the restaurant it was near 530 but it was fine. the limo ride down was pretty cool.

the view was really nice but it was too bad that it was somewhat foggy. took a whole bunch of pictures and we had a nice outdoor table for the 14 of us that were there.

heres like 1/4 of the table
and heres another 1/4

Chris and Christina

Ben and Becky

Anna and Michael

Kevin N. and Katrina

Kevin L. and Phuong

Greg and me

sihp in the background

all the girls in our limo

and here are the guys

the yummy calimari

the really hard bread

greg's weird piece of calimari

greg's swordfish

my salmon

that's the coolest ketchup bottle

friends since kindergarden!!!!!!!

our entire limo group

in front of the hotel

greg and i showing off our flowers
took lots of pictures with people but here are a select few. to see them all go look on facebook.

elementary school buddies for life :)

the one time those two are normal when I'm between them

Christopher was there too!

too tired so hanging out on the sofas

Chris and Christina

after changing and waiting to see if lanes opened up, christina and i decided to take a quick nap

in the back of the van on the way to classic bowl

then it was back to sleeping

Nguy bowling

Greg bowling

ill end this horrendously long post with a picture of spera guys and me. we took a similar pic at winter ball butttttt we forgot to take one this time before we changed so oo well. cant you tell I'm worn out! and you must be as well from reading this long post.