Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Random Facts Update

more random facts via history 7b

At Berkeley, you are only guaranteed a parking spot win a nobel prize. yes thats right. the nobel prize equates to a parking spot at berkeley. thats how hard it is to find parking around here....

anyhoo wheres something cool that's been on the news

so last night the students of berkeley decided that a parade was necessary in order to celebrate obama's victory. soooo they decide to run around the campus and all over the units twice. from what i heard, there ended up being 2 celebrations. the first was on telegraph where the crowds bodysurfed and even started a small fire. The other group, which im assuming was much bigger, got so big that the chancellor came out to give a speech. pretty cool stuff. dont believe me? see for yourself.

anyhoo...mccain's speech was pretty respectful, very classy and very soon my posts will be much less political

but if you do get the chance, for sure wath obama's speech and i would say watch colin powell's interview on cnn

my history professor and my class tell me that i remind them of juno. personally do not see that at all....comments? agree? disagree?

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