Tuesday, November 4, 2008


finally got around to dropping off my absentee ballot today. they even gave me a sticker :) i must say though there were quite a few things i didnt vote on just because i didn't know what the consequences would be. oh well its better not to change anything than to vote for a bad change right?

so votes started being counted about half an hour ago and i have been using yahoo to keep up with it since i still have no tv in my room and i dont want to go down to the lounge. as of 4:30 PM PST this is how the votes were

*i dont know what i would do if keegan didn't tell me how to use prtsc :)*

as of 5:20 PM i love how fast i can upload pics with internet at school
ohio and florida are surprising me. all shaping up to be an obama victory

the end is the beginning of change

1 comment:

Saffron said...

Obama has already proven his worth by capturing Ohio. ;)