Thursday, October 30, 2008

so that's why............

so i woke up today and ....definitely sick. not fun at all. whenever im in class i feel really bad for the people around me because i keep sneezing and whatnot.....oh well. so for the past couple of days ive noticed that i've been like ....10 minutes or so late! i just dont understand it because when my alarm wakes me up i get up and i dont take too long to get finally i looked at my alarm....and i realized it was 10 minutes slow!! no wonder. it all makes sense now. just found out i have an essay due on tuesday :( college is no fun. oh well at least its almost the weekend. anyhoo its been awhile since i've had any pics up so i might as well take advantage of the super fast internet connection and upload stuff

this has been up on my white board for 2 months now :) i like how Chris and Nguy added on their names lol

a couple of weeks ago, i looked out my window and saw this across the street...

got this in the the hard part is figuring out what to actually vote for
extremely bored in my room so here are my keys

1 comment:

Saffron said...

I want to write on your white board! :D