okay so i realized that i actually do have a lot of things to talk about. so much in fact that i decided to split my post into 2 parts. and so to avoid studying and sleeping, i shall post part 1 up today and then part 2 after my final.
anyhoo, to address my first mini outline blog, things im looking forward to:
1. possible TB or not TB presentation take 2? we shall see if we can set it up ( its okay if you have no idea what im talking about. im sure thats pretty common)
2. inductive bible study! for those of you who don't know, I've really gotten on board with inductive bible study. i just feel like its really unbiased. like usually certain passages are known to cover certain topics but when you go through a passage inductively, you get such a different perspective and plus i always feel like when i read a passage to do for lesson or whatever, i manipulate phrases and different parts of the passage so that i get a specific message at the end but with inductive bible study, you get what you get and you just take the word for the purpose it was written. that being said, i was so moved by the bible study that we've done these past 2 semesters that i've asked a couple of people(both christians and non) if theyd be willing to have some bible study during the summer and so far everyone is up for it so yay!
very much so connected to that is what i wanted to talk about concerning pride.
i think going into trying to share Christ with non believers, I always feel like I need to be eloquent or I need to be able to answer all their questions etc etc. I think the mentality I had was that I should be a good enough Christian that I should be able to bring others to Christ. but the problem with that is pride. I think I have to constantly remind myself that it is never what we can do. In the end, it will all be God. Nothing we say or do can really change anyone's heart. Rather, it will be in God's time and God's will when people come to know Him. Sure we are used by Him and He has a purpose for us and He wants us to share the good news but remember, it is not what we do but rather what He does through us.
been lacking of sleep so that will be all of part 1
things to look forward to in part 2?
love - what it is, but more importantly, what it is not
what went down during our last bible study group time and community time
*ill post up some pics soon too but if you really can't wait that long then just check fb*
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