Thursday, December 3, 2009


Fall 2009 semester is finally over!! Well except for finals..and reviews next week....but no more lectures or discussions =) how wonderful. Surprising how quickly the semester has gone by, though I'm not complaining. Anyhoo here's a quick photo update on thanksgiving.

we decided to go black friday shopping again this year so we met up after thanksgiving dinner, played a lot of nerts (what a super fun addicting game), got fresh donuts at bob's donuts, and headed off to old navy for their wonderful $15 jeans deal. decided we didn't want to wait in line for H&M to open at 5 so we hung out in our usually place at union square.

yeah i never understand what this guy is doing

the lights on the poles were different this year...=(

but we're always there to cheer each other up =)

lots of hugging going on.......though greg seems way more happy about it than kevin...

........nevermind hahaha

and what's a spera reunion without trapping kevin in a rotating door

2nd annual trip to the St. Francis to ride their elevators and take pictures of a wonderful view. they already had 2 giant christmas trees up and decorated! presents galore!!

H&M opened and keegan and I decided to try on the most random things we could find

i picked out a very normal set of accessories for keegan to try.....

...and she picks this out for me....oo joy....

keegan chris greg and i decided to pick out the worst outfits for each other. can you guess who won? =p

lots of fun and an overall great day. left my wallet at greg's but chris was kind enough to drop it off later.....with his trash inside of it....

Another week and they're all back again yayyyyy =]

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