O..........M...........G in history class and just had a discussion about waterboarding.........theres this one girl in my class who says its okay to use it as a form of punishment because the people do not die they just think theyre drowning and then later they go back to their cell like nothing happened.....................WHAT?! it was basically the whole class against her. heres part of the discussion......
its like theyre drowned and then brought back to life over and over again. its physcial and psychologica torture
her* its okay. because they know they arent going to die.
havent you ever felt like you were drowning or something. its horrible
her* yeah im sure its bad....but its fine
..........................i swear every class the things she says.........
another time we were going over 1940s ads for a piano and she said the ad was such a liar because just because you have a piano doesnt mean you can play
us* well if you dont have a piano you wont have the opportunity to have something to learn how to play
her* no but if you have it you still need lessons so it should say you need to take lessons on the ad
us*.....................okay......sure... but its a piano ad.....
her* but it say you need to take lessons so its lying
*sigh* i know that was a random rant but serious every time we have a discussion its her against everyone else
okay thats it.
nvm heres another one that just happened
talking about if we should bail out the major american car companies, she says no, which okay thats fine but heres what she says
us* how about all the people that will lose jobs
her* well its the companies fault we cant just bail them out, its their fault that they didnt do more energy efficient things earlier
*but how about the lose of jobs and the effect of losing the auto industry on our government
her* well thats just how it is..............
oh oh oh. give us a picture of her. Faaaceeboooooook
i didn't really understand that
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