Thursday, March 5, 2009
okay so most def been frustrated recently, both from myself and at others. and by others, i mean the housing people at berkeley. they decided that it would be a good week to check their fire alarms. so throughout the day, they like to have the alarm go off every other minute.........literally every other minute. so its been going on since monday morning and i can't get any work done when im in my room during the day. so thursday is just about the only day that i can really sleep in and catch up on much needed rest and i was hoping i could sleep straight until i had to get up. yeah did not happen. woke up at 9 because my roommate did not react to her alarm going off for a full minute. fell back asleep only to be woken up by the fire alarm going off (which scared me silly) fell back asleep again to be woken up by my alarm and then tried to get 20 more minutes of sleep but the alarm kept going off so that didn't work. now im not grouchy or cranky about it. once I'm up I'm up but its been going on for 4 days for pete's sake!!!! okay i will stop ranting about random things now
judith, everytime you rant a fairy dies
check yourself
They did the alarm testing over here in Stern too! It was some time last month. HORRIBLE stuff :( I remember I was pretty scared to leave my room because I didn't want my ears to die :'(
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